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Softball -2003

New Jersey vs. The World. The rematch

In a time where the New Jersey Devils are Stanley Cup champions and the New Jersey Nets are NBA finalists, it should come as no surprise that the New Jersey softball team has not sat idle for the past two years. What was surprising is the ease in which the New Jersey team defeated the World team, winning by a score of 10-1 and closing the lifetime gap (World has won 2 games to New Jersey's 1)

Jim McNamara Sr. pitched an outstanding game and young Jim McNamara led off the bottom of the first inning with a crushing home run in what was the start of a three run first inning. Frank Manchisi pitched a good game as fielding errors plagues the World team throughout the game.

Coach Finnegan's off season planning outclassed Manchisi throughout the game. From the stacking of the top of the lineup to the assignment of New Jersey players to the World team to the under 17 non-strikeout rule, everything seemed to work in team New Jersey's favor. Manchisi's "Birthday Based" lineup was flawed and the World team could never get a rally going. In fact, if it weren't for Frank Manchisi's "freight train run" down to first base which caused Finnegan's error, the World team would have been shut out. Manchisi eventually scored on a base hit by his son Richie late in the game.

Clearly a regroup is in order for the World team but for now, New Jersey rules in Hockey, Basketball (see below) and yes.....softball.

Editors Note: Courtesy of Zach Manchisi (see below)

Letters to the Editor


In the annual Jersey shore softball gane of New Jersey vs thr World, Jersey won its first game of the Series 9-1. The series now stands at World 2- Jersey 1. The best team won but Lefty Kevin Finnegan put a few rules into place at the start of the game to ensure the outcome. I won't get into details but suffice it to say that if Lefty Kevin was making the rules in Y2K, Al Gore would be our president.

Next week"s column will be devoted to my only sports team for which I can currently wear a baseball cap instead of a paper bag - the New York Jets.

Frank Manchisi



To the world team: Sorry you had such a big disappointment at the game. Perhaps your strategy should include asking the women to play. Even though they are over 40 (so are you by the way) some of them are still good athletes. Something to thinks about for next year. From a wise observer. Remember a lot of people are using the Finnegan computer.    



I was catching up on your great website,, and I noticed an error in the softball section.  It reads, "New Jersey rules in ... basketball".  I'm sure the comment is referring to the back-to-back appearances in the NBA Finals by the Nets.  However, "The World" played New Jersey in hoops at the shore and emerged victorious! 

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