Cugini 2014 - Grip It and Sip It Takes the Cugini Cup!
The team of Young T-Bone Greene, Beave Manchisi, Mike Manchisi and Pete Manchisi won the annual Manchisi family trek to Virginia for Cugini 2014 with an even par. This was the team that NOBODY picked to win the cup, the longshot of the tournament, the team that John ("No Mas") Greene said would finish last. But a perfectly played scramble golf including an amazing chip by Pete kept the team solidly in contention throughout the tournament. T-Bone Greene showed why he was promoted to captain with strong encouragement to his team and even went to the clubhouse to get Advil for Beave Manchisi who had soreness early on and played outstanding. Coach John Greene finished last for the second straight year and left the team to finish the 9th hole without him (which coincidentally is what Andrew did to his iron on the 9th hole) Clearly the game deserves more respect than this in this author's opinion!
With a number coming in on Thursday night for what is now known as "PreGini" , the weather for the weekend could not have been better. Thanks to the ladies upstairs (Alice, Anna, Millie and Nina) for looking down over us as they always do. Bill Greene took MVP honors for PreGini and played out of his head in the cousins cup on Friday to beat Frank and Zach along with John Greene.
Rookie Tyler Doyle was in strong form on Friday night. The weekend had the typical pool, cigars, singing and Kevin's best Willie Wonka impression (Click here for clip) when the Virginia pool rules were again brought into question. A final evening dinner of crabcakes and steak topped last years (which is hard to believe). If only the Rangers could have won the double OT Stanley Cup game. Thank you Zach again for being such a fantastic host to an amazing TRADITION!. And here's to the greatest family in the world!!

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