Turkey Bowl - 1998
Controversy Tarnishes 5-4 Win!
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The team coached this year by Bob Greene held off a strong charge by Steve Greene to win the 1998 Turkey Bowl by a score of 5-4. Bob's team (Bob, Bill, Butch and Tim) had led by a score of 4-1 over Steve (Steve, Mike, Broderick, and Mike) when Steve's team staged a dramatic comeback. Ultimately the comeback was not enough when Butch Madison caught the final touchdown from Bill Greene to end the game.
But it was the prior play that clouded the win in controversy or at least made the drink from the bowl somewhat bittersweet. With Madison at quarterback, the team ran the option play where Greene was to take the ball and hit Madison after the toss. Manchisi (4 TD passes and 1 costly interception) read the play perfectly and blitzed Greene clearly making the play before the ball was thrown. Madison caught the pass to potentially end the game. An argument ensued and Greene claimed that the ball was off before the tag, knowing full well that this was not the case (In fact, in after the game interviews Greene admitted that the ball should have been dead). The play ultimately was called a "do over", however Manchisi's performance was clearly impacted given the fact that Greene had not admitted to the call during the game. Greene would also later admit that he was "so winded" that he just wanted the game to end. On the "do over" down, Greene then hit Madison to end the game.
Steve's team was led by Broderick (3 TD catches offset by a costly fumble, 2 dropped passes and 1 interception) and Steve himself who caught a touchdown pass and made a key interception (though also had a fumbled kickoff). Madison once again put in a stellar performance at quarterback to lead Bob's team to victory.
The game, however will NOT be remembered for the excellent individual performances of Bob's team. It will instead be remembered for the lies and untruths committed and the game's end. These "cheats" as they are sometimes referred to, are usually reserved for Tom Greene who was unable to attend this year. Based on this years game, this writer believes that the "cheat" torch has indeed been passed. As Manchisi said after the game, "at least with Tom, he really believes that he is making the right call. Bill just blatantly lies about it!
I guess we'll just have to wait until next year. Long live the cheats!!
In other news, the team of Rafaele, James, Zach and Ryan defeated the team of Eric, Brian, Jeffrey , Anthony and Matt 16-14 in an exciting and honestly played game.
As always, letters to the editor can be sent to witelite@mac.com
Letters to the Editor
Dear witelite@mac.com:
This letter is to inform you that I have contacted my attorney and he will be serving you sometime after the holidays. ( He is vacationing at Camp David). It is common knowledge that I , Tom Greene, have never cheated at anything in my life. You can imagine my horror when I read your "web page", only to discover my good name dragged thru the mud and the slime. Good taste prevents me from repeating your evil charges. This whole mess sounds like sour grapes. If I were not a country gentleman, it would be pistols at 12 feet!! Anyway, thats what attorneys are for.
Tom Greene (an imposter)
Dear witelite@mac.com
Please don't take it off the internet. I've read it several times and the beauty of the language is inspiring. As Billy must learn, the naked truth sometimes hurts. I sense a Pulitzer in your future. As for me, I've called off the dogs. Besides, Dave Kendall said he was busy as well as my second choice, Webster Hubbell. All is forgiven and forgotten. As you well know, I know a thing or two about being cheated on in the Turkey Bowl, compadre. The shame and degradation is not easily dismissed. It can last all the way till the next turkey bowl. That's why we have to begin to plan the destruction of the twisted, evil man that has done you this wrong. DEATH TO BILLY AND ALL WHO FOLLOW HIS PERVERTED PATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WILL CRUSH THEM LIKE HOT GRAPES NEXT TURKEY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got the playbook. You have the talent. Together we cannot be beat!!!!!!!!!
The real Tom Greene!
Dear T,
Just between you and me, I felt I had an obligation to you to carry on the sacred tradition of one good cheat. I must confess that I did not pull it off like you would, which is obviously why they received a "do over".Next play, touch down. I had no idea that the bitterness would carry over to Wite Lite's Home Page. I now realize how devastating it must be to be denied the taste of victory from the our beloved turkey bowl.Sweet Dreams T and remember I was thinking of you on this Turkey Day,
Dear Bill Greene, (this is a classic! ed.)
>How dare you, sir, to suggest that I would somehow take pleasure from your obvious perversion of a once sacred tradition. Has young Manchisi has so wisely pointed out, a cheat is only worthy of attempting if there is some doubt about the outcome of the play. When such an occasion arises, it is the fervor of your argument that can carry the day. Your ham-fisted attempt inspires only my complete and utter contempt. It is as clear as Irish crystal that I can never again be absent from the Turkey Bowl, lest low-rent amateurs run roughshod over timeless institutions. Shame on you, you scoundrel. I can only hope that at the next Turkey Bowl, I shall be paired with young Manchisi and avenge this horrible stain.
Yours in contempt,
Dear witelite@mac.com
You faggots belong with each other. Your bitterness gets in the way of your jealousy. I now realize what a cheat and a loser have in common, they play right handed guitar in a band that will not be paid on Dec 5th because they don't have the talent. If your wives will let you play next year, I will be happy to show you how to drink from the bowl with dignity. Show up or shut up! Now I have wasted enough up my time on this dribble.
Good Day.
Bill Greene
Dear witelite@mac.com
Tisk Tisk Tisk, How much it hurts to lose. I think the saddest part of the game had to be the fact that the very next play, a touchdown was scored. That makes 2 in 2 plays. The fact "T" was not there only made the game less interesting, after all Billy only had 1 cheat and not the 3 "T" gets. I was also kind of wondering where all the usual guys were? "J?" How 'bout it? "T?" It really is a shame when men cant be men and take 1 day out of the year and try to earn a sip from the cup.
There was a very trustworthy source that stated next year may be a tough year for the older guys to make it after the amount of soreness that occured the next day. A rumor was also started that next years event may be a hockey game instead of football? We'll have to see about that. A big shout out to Ralph who managed to play a series of downs even though he was done after that.(At least he showed). Thanks to Brod for making it out that day and to his lovely lady for taking the picture. Which will be available soon.
Great game guys.
Copper179@aol.com (aka Butch)
Dear witelite@mac.com
Now let me get this straight-because you were demoralized about a bad call, that was made a "do-over", you couldn't try hard enough on the next play, so you lost ? Good thing you don't play for Parcells.