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Turkey Bowl - 1999

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n a cleanly played game with no cheats, Tom Greene's team kept control of the 1999 Turkey Bowl with a 5-3 win over Bill Greene. Tom's team (Mike, Bob, Ralph, Tom, Butch, and Rick) scored on every offensive possession defeating   Bill's team (Bill, Mike, Tim, Kevin, Steven, and Steve) in a game that lasted less than an hour! Bob Greene took MVP honors in catching 3 touchdown passes (the first a beautiful extended grab) thrown by Butch Madison (who also played an outstanding game at quarterback). Madison and T-Bone (who in past turkey bowls had not been able to gel as team) worked extremely well together as Bill Greene's draft selections backfired. Steve Greene (who many were looking to break out of a centennial funk) was beaten on each of Bob Greene's 3 touchdown passes. In an after the game press conference Steve hinted at turkey bowl retirement and the formation of a new league. Let's hope Steve reconsiders during the year though young Zach and T-Bone Greene have both expressed interest in signing Steven if he holds true to his retirement.

Manchisi caught one touchdown and threw for two more to Kevin and Tim (the last one on a beautiful decoy play) though overall many believed it to be a sub-par performance. Bill Greene was a non-factor during the game though did perform well in the exhibition following the turkey bowl. Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be posted to the site unedited as received. Send them to


The 1999 Kid's Turkeybowl was exciting. The team (see picture at right) of Raffaele, Brian, James, Zach, T-Bone, Alex and Andrew defeated Jeff and Eric's team by the score of 15-13 securing their place as the champions of the millennium. Brian Manchisi was named MVP with 2 touchdown catches (including a bullet from Raffaele) and 1 interception though it was truly a team effort. The last touchdown was scored by Raffaele and it was a very close score. Jeff's team played a tuff game in defeat. (contributions by James Manchisi to this story)

As always, letters to the editor can be sent to

Letters to the Editor


HeY loser MIKE, I THREW 7 AND CAUGHT 4 AND HAD 3 INTERCEPTIONS. It is pethedic that Brian was named MVP. I was the bomb. Tommy was dissapointed too.

P.s. You stunk in your games

From Zach



Too bad Zach. I dont like you any more stupid.Zach, I wish that you were the MVP -  well too bad! -  I was the MVP because you stink at football.You are just jealous because I was the MVP. You stink so bad!! 

From Brian



It's truly sad when the young Greene boys display the same type of poor sportsmanship as had been evidenced by their parents years ago. At least they got over it. It's also sad to see the youngsters not keeping to trradition and pairing off against each other. Putting Zach, T-Bone and Raffaele on the same team is stacking the deck! I guess none of the youngins want to experience losing. At least in defeat, I was a good sport.



Dear Editor:

Please refrain from including my dear son T-Bone Greene in your remarks regarding " young Greene boys display the same type of poor sportsmanship".......   Young T-Bone was in no way dissapointed with the selection of Brian as MVP of the game.  Obviously misery loves company over at Billy and Zach's house.  

As for the Senior's game, I will let the score speak for itself.  The hallowed Turkey Bowl trophy is, at this very moment,  undergoing extensive renovations.  I shall keep you posted!




Personally, I think if I was in either one of these games, you would all be feeling the wrath of Matt! I would have played so well, I'd be the MVP of both games! You are all lucky that I couldn't be in St.Louis. By the way, I got my driver's permit yesterday so watch out for me on the roads too!

Matt Manchisi

Dear Webmaster, 

Nearly two months have passed since my unfortunate performance in the 1999 Turkey Bowl, and although one may think that I have simmered down since then, I am still quite miffed at all of the events associated with the game.Without a doubt, my defensive coverage was, well, offensive. Certainly, I am disappointed that I was beaten for three touchdowns by a brother of mine whose only form of exercise throughout the year involves hauling around the obscenely voluminous amounts of cash in his wallet. I give Bob credit for a great game and take full responsibility for my pitiful coverage. 

However, my stance has not changed. I still am having trouble figuring out why Michael and Billy refused to involve me in the offensive scheme at all. I was full of rage and venom and wanted to atone for my miscues on defense. Often, I was wide open downfield only to see the ball dumped off to the other so-called weapons on our team. Had I been made more of a focal point of the offense, I believe the Turkey Bowl would reside proudly in St. Louis right now instead of suffering the indignity of being used as a horse trough in Fulton, Mo., for the next year. 

As for the webmaster's reference to my "centennial funk," I find such an accusation unfair, untrue and possibly scandalous. At this moment, I am having the Federal Reserve Legal Unit investigate possible litigation against Mr. Manchisi with penalties ranging from prison time to Federal Reserve action that would suspend Master Card International's involvement in the payments system. Stay tuned, and do not leave the country.

I will close by reiterating that I am still strongly considering a decision to form a new Turkey Bowl league in 2000. I am sorry to say that under the current Turkey Bowl format, my reputation - misguided though it may be -precedes me. My chances of success are slim and none when part of the fun involves seeing how poorly I can play. Would you want your children to participate under such emotionally destructive conditions? I think not. 

Until a final decision is made, feel free to hold open tryouts amongst the junior squad to replace me. Let's see Zach try to cover Bobby! 

Your esteemed and steamed cousin, 


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